10am Worship Service
We'd love to have you join us on a Sunday or for any of our events listed below!
10am Worship Service
We'd love to have you join us on a Sunday or for any of our events listed below!
Women's Ministry
Men's Ministry
Young Adult Ministry
Senior Care
Second Saturday of the Month
Saturday, July 8th
8-9 am
Fellowship Hall @ Hope Covenant Church
Hey Men! Our Men’s Breakfast is a great way to get the day started! Come enjoy a hot breakfast, great conversation and an inspiring word. Join us in our Fellowship Hall...done by 9 am!
Childcare provided- no need to sign up.
Outreach & all-church events
The Hope Care Team (HCT) is collaborative and coordinated team of people who work with both the Lead Pastor and Spiritual Care team to provide integrated care for the people of Hope Covenant. The primary focus is on physical and tangible acts of care (Visiting: Home/Hospital, rides to appointments, meals, small acts of service, phone/text follow up, etc.) How does it work? You sign up using the link below, we activate you when a need arises.
CLICK HERE to join!
Formation Hour Small Groups
Sundays, 8:45 am- 9:45 am
Resumes January 5th
Formation Hour is small group discipleship programming for all ages on Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:45 am before the 10 am Worship Service. Programming is age-appropriate and groups meet throughout our building for preschool-adult! Classes run September through May.
January will kick off with a recap of our new Covenant Partner/ Membership Initiative and on the 12th we will dive into the idea of a Royal Priesthood.
ash wednesday service
Wednesday, March 5th, 6:30 pm
Hope Covenant Church
Join us at Hope Covenant Church for a meaningful Ash Wednesday service on March 5th at 6:30 PM. This service marks the beginning of the Lenten season, a time of reflection, repentance, and spiritual renewal. Through scripture, prayer, and the imposition of ashes, we invite you to reflect on God's grace and the journey toward Easter. All are welcome as we come together to seek renewal and deepen our faith.
Childcare will be available for kids 5 and under. Kindergarteners to 5th graders attending the service should stop by the check-in desk to pick up an activity to help them engage in worship.
Paper copies will be available at the Ash Wednesday service.
Easter services
Sunday, April 20, 2025
We'll be holding two options for Easter services this year and we'd love to have you join us!
9:30 am FELLOWSHIP HOUR: Free family photos, light snacks, kids scavenger hunt, coffee, cocoa and more!
If you're a regular attender, we encourage you to "serve one, worship one"! EMAIL the office if you are available to volunteer during one of the services!
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resurrection Run
Sunday, April 20th, 6:22 am
Begins at Hope Covenant Church
During the season of Lent, we invite you to take part in a Resurrection Run where you will be challenged physically, mentally and spiritually to prepare for the resurrection of Jesus!
WHO: You! Your family! Your friends! All ages and abilities welcome!
WHAT: Run, walk, bike or blade on Easter Morning. Consider training during the Lenten season as a way to intentionally prepare your heart, mind, and body for the resurrection of Jesus.
WHERE: Run starts at Hope Covenant Church, 336 4th Ave. S. St. Cloud. Participants head to North Star Cemetery and back (5 miles). If you would like to walk, or would just like a shorter route, meet at Hope at 6:15. A group will shuttle to Calvary Church to begin the route there (2 miles).
WHEN: Easter Sunday, April 20th at 6:22 am. Runners should be ready by 6:15.
WHY: During the season of Lent, we invite you to take part in a Resurrection Run where you will be challenged physically, mentally and spiritually to prepare for the resurrection of Jesus.
1. Sign up for FREE by clicking below!
2. Getting ready: If you would like help with a training plan, please contact Dan Nelson (320 493-3238).
3. At the run: route will be marked with pavement markings and maps will be available.
After the run, all are welcome to join us for a light breakfast to gather and connect with others
in Hope's Welcome Center. Please contact Keith Krueger (320-224-4438) if you have questions.
Kids/ Youth/ Family Events
hcy summer adventure trip
This summer, we are heading up to Duluth and Grand Marais for a week-long adventure with our high school students. In partnership with Adventurous Christians (AC), we will provide students an opportunity to catch their breath in the beautiful wilderness of the Gunflint Trail as we spend a week serving, exploring, connecting, and growing together. We will stay in AC's dormitories, taking day trips into the Boundary Waters to experience the serene beauty of the open lakes. This trip is designed to be accessible to those who are not as comfortable in the "wilderness" as well as those who feel right at home in the outdoors.
We have summer camp opportunities for kids completing 1st grade through high school! CHECK OUT OUR CAMP PAGE for more information!
Early bird discounts are getting close so check it out today!
Sundays, 8:45 am
September 8- May
Formation Hour will resume JANUARY 5TH!
Students will engage in the weekly bible story in fun, age-appropriate, and engaging ways!
Sunday Morning Formation!! (6th-8th graders): Middle School students will enjoy a blast of hands-on, active fun ending with a middle school only small group discussion time! Meets in Youth Room: 105.
High School Formation (9th-12th graders): High School students will first gather with the larger adult group. Then they will break into their own small group to further discuss and grow.
All students need to check-in at the HCK/HCY check-in desk in the Welcome Center every Sunday morning before heading to their meeting places.
HCK formation hour
Sundays, 8:45 am
September- May
Resumed Jan. 5th
Kids ages birth through 5th grade are invited to join us for our Sunday Morning Formation Hour.
Epic fun and hands-on learning and discipleship for kids of all ages. Every Sunday from 8:45-9:45 am. You won't want to miss it!
All children and youth should stop by the HCK/HCY check-in desk to get a name tag before proceeding to class on Sunday mornings.
If this is your first time, save time and PREREGISTER!
Hope homeschool connection
2nd Wednesdays, 9:30 am- 11 am
Hope Covenant Church
Homeschooling? Looking for connection within your routine! Join other homeschool families for a time of connection, playing, snacks and more! See ya there!
middle School @ Blacklight
March 21st, 7 pm- 8 pm
Blacklight Adventures
Middle schoolers, confirmation mentors and HCY leaders are invited to Blacklight Adventures for a night of fun and bonding on Friday, March 21st from 7 pm- 8:30 pm!
Be sure to invite a friend! Each participant needs to register and bring $5. Your $5 includes laser tag, mini golf and the NEW Pixel Arena! Feel free to bring extra money if you want to visit the arcade or grab a snack. Any questions can be directed to HUNTER.
Women's Bunco Night
Tuesday, February 25th, 6 pm- 8 pm
Hope Covenant Welcome Center
Women are invited to come play some Bunco! Bunco is an easy to learn dice game that comes with plenty of laughs! Please invite a friend and plan to bring a snack to share.
men's retreat at lbbc
Friday, April 4th & Saturday, April 5th
Lake Beauty Bible Camp
Join others at Lake Beauty on April 4th and 5th for opportunities to fellowship, work alongside, and grow with other men. Speaker this year will be Pastor Brian Zahasky. Cost is $65/ person and includes all food, lodging and activities. Contact Keith Krueger with any questions.
Deadline to sign up is March 31st.
Women's lectio Divina prayer group
Tuesdays, 8 am- 9 am
Hope Covenant Church, room 205
We will use the book Contemplative Bible Reading/Experiencing God Through Scripture by Richard Peace. Group members will not need a book; a handout will be provided at each meeting. A brief scripture study followed by lectio divina listening prayer for the session’s scripture will comprise each session. Sign up by contacting Donna Thomas at church or via email.
Coffee connect
Thursday, March 13th, 9:30 am
Hope Covenant Welcome Center
Always the 2nd Thursday of the month
Our Senior Care Team hosts a time of fellowship! Stop in for a cup of coffee or tea, a treat and a chance to connect!
MEN's breakfast + Women's Chat
Saturday, March 8th, 8 am- 9 am
Hope Covenant Church Fellowship Hall
Always the 2nd Saturday of the month!
Men: Come enjoy a hot breakfast, great conversation and an inspiring word. Men will meet in the Fellowship Hall.
Women will also meet during this time for an informal time of fellowship and a light breakfast-- Bring your morning drink of choice! Women will meet in room 105.
Childcare provided; no need to sign up. Done by 9!
Men's Bible Study
Wednesdays @ 6 am, 1 pm or 6:30 pm
Library (Room 205)
What are we studying? The Book of James
Please EMAIL Keith K. with any questions.
Young Adult Night
Sunday, March 23rd, 7 pm- 9 pm
Melton's House: 1576 13th Ave SE, Saint Cloud
A note from Hunter:
Heyo! This Sunday night we are hosting a board game night at our house. Invite your friends, bring your favorite games, and come join us for a fun night together!
Young Adults meet on the 4th Sunday evening of each month. Location and activities will vary. Check back each month for more details!
Email Hunter with any questions!
Young Adult Bible Study
Sundays, 6:30 pm- 7:30 pm
Room 205, Library
Join Hunter and Hope Young Adults for a regular Sunday evening time of fellowship and Bible Study. This spring, they will be going through a RightNow Media series on Acts by Francis Chan.
EMAIL HUNTER if interested in attending!
The 4th Sunday of the month will be "Young Adult Night" instead of Bible Study. See info on times above.
Women's Bible Study
Mondays, 6:30 pm- 8 pm
Join the women of Hope for a weekly evening Bible Study. Beginning October 7th, led by Barb Scheevel, women will study Luke using Lisa Harper's Study.
Sign up HERE!