People TO People Ministry Team

People to People is a ministry of Hope Covenant Church. Their mission is to bring fresh produce, healthy foods, and the love of Christ to our community. Stop by to check out one of Hope Covenant's People To People Free Food Giveaways! 


We have giveaways planned for: 

February 15th, 11 am- 1 pm + Chili Lunch!

April 5th, 10 am- 11 am

June 21h, 10 am- 11 am

July 19th, 10 am- 11 am

August 16th, 10 am- 11 am

September 20th, 10 am- 11 am

At our February 15th giveaway, we plan to bless those who can come with canned goods, fresh produce, whole frozen turkeys, sliced bread, peanut butter, gently used coats, books and more! We will also have members of our Spiritual Care Team taking prayer requests and a Chili Lunch all for free! We can't wait to see you there!