
10am Worship Service

We'd love to have you join us on a Sunday or for any of our events listed below!


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  • Women's Ministry

    Men's Ministry

    Young Adult Ministry

    Senior Care

    Second Saturday of the Month

    Saturday, July 8th

    8-9 am

    Fellowship Hall @ Hope Covenant Church

    Hey Men! Our Men’s Breakfast is a great way to get the day started! Come enjoy a hot breakfast, great conversation and an inspiring word. Join us in our Fellowship Hall...done by 9 am! 

    Childcare provided- no need to sign up. 


    People to People

       Worship Ministry


    Join us for our worship service this Sunday at 10 am.

    We also offer the live-stream of our service on Facebook & YouTube.

Outreach & all-church events

  • Christmas Eve At Hope

    Tuesday, December 24th, 2024

    Pre-Party at 4 pm

    Service at 5 pm

    This Christmas Eve, as has become a tradition at Hope, we will come together for a pre-service party complete with family photos, kids' scavenger hunt, crafts, cocoa bar, cookies and more! This will be at 4 pm. At 5 pm, the family friendly Christmas Eve Service will begin. There will be nursery available for our littlest attenders. 
    From cocoa makers, to cookie bakers, to helping kiddos with crafts, there are many volunteer opportunities are available for Christmas Eve. Please EMAIL the office if you are interested in serving. 

  • Julotta Christmas service

    December 25th, 2024, 7:30 am

    Hope Covenant Church

    Join us for a traditional Swedish Candle-lit, Christmas Eve Sunrise Service on Christmas morning. This will be made complete with a Christmas breakfast following the service. 

    Please SIGN UP to help out or bring a dish by December 18th. 


    The Hope Care Team (HCT) is collaborative and coordinated team of people who work with both the Lead Pastor and Spiritual Care team to provide integrated care for the people of Hope Covenant. The primary focus is on physical and tangible acts of care (Visiting: Home/Hospital, rides to appointments, meals, small acts of service, phone/text follow up, etc.) How does it work? You sign up using the link below, we activate you when a need arises. 

    CLICK HERE to join!

  • Formation Hour Small Groups

    Sundays, 9am- 9:45 am

    Begins September 8th

    Formation Hour is small group discipleship programming for all ages on Sunday mornings from 9-9:45 am before the 10 am Worship Service. Programming is age-appropriate and groups meet throughout our building for preschool-adult! Classes run September 8th through May.

    The staff has taken a deep look into the formation hour on Sunday morning. While we believe formation is a crucial part of our Sunday morning experience, we haven't always done a great job communicating its value to the larger church. 

    This fall, we are beginning with a great series by John Mark Comer entitled, "Practicing the way" (CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE). But beyond the content, we are redoubling our efforts to promote rich relational space on Sunday morning. This will include consistent small group, intentional time of connection and quarterly social gathering outside of Sunday morning. We invite you to consider joining one of these small groups on Sunday Mornings beginning September 8th.


  • Christmas charitable giving drive

    This Christmas, we are asking the people of Hope to come together around struggling moms; clients of AnnaMarie's Alliance. With your donation of Walmart, Target or Visa gift cards, we will be able to empower women to provide for their children this Christmas season. 

    Grab an envelope from the giving tree in our Welcome Center, fill it with a gift card and return to Hope by Sunday, December 22nd. 

Kids/ Youth/ Family Events

  • LATE NIGHT BLAST (3rd- 8th)

    Friday, January, 24th, 7 pm-10 pm

    Hope Covenant Church

    Calling all 3rd-8th graders! Join us for a special HCK/HCY crossover event! Invite your friends and join us for an epic evening of snacks, indoor night games, high energy activities and all kinds of other late-night awesomeness. This is a BRING event...the more friends you BRING, the more FUN we will have! 

    Sign up today by clicking HERE!

    If you have a high school student, we are looking for volunteers to help with Late Night Blast. If interested in helping out, please contact Hunter Melton.


    Sundays, 9am

    September 8th- May

    Formation Hour will resume SEPTEMBER 8th!

    Students will engage in the weekly bible story in fun, age-appropriate, and engaging ways!

    Sunday Morning Formation!! (6th-8th graders): Middle School students will enjoy a blast of hands-on, active fun ending with a middle school only small group discussion time! Meets in Youth Room: 105. 

    High School Formation (9th-12th graders): High School students will gather with the larger group to hear from John Mark Comer in his Practicing the Way series. Then they will break into their own small group to further discuss and grow. 

    All students need to check-in at the HCK/HCY check-in desk in the Welcome Center every Sunday morning before heading to their classrooms.

  • HCK formation hour

    Sundays, 9am

    September- May

    Kids ages birth through 5th grade are invited to join us for our Sunday Morning Formation Hour.

    Epic fun and hands-on learning and discipleship for kids of all ages. Every Sunday from 9:00-9:45 am. You won't want to miss it!

    • Mini Formation: Ages birth-Preschool (meets in the nursery)
    • Elementary School Formation: Grades K-5th (meets in room 207)

    All children and youth should stop by the HCK/HCY check-in desk to get a name tag before proceeding to class on Sunday mornings. 

    If this is your first time, save time and PREREGISTER

  • Hope homeschool connection

    2nd Wednesdays, 9:30 am- 11 am

    Hope Covenant Church

    Upcoming: January 8th

    Homeschooling? Looking for connection within your routine! Join other homeschool families for a time of connection, playing, snacks and more! See ya there! 


  • Women's Bunco Night

    Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

    6 pm- 8 pm

    Hope Covenant Welcome Center

    Women are invited to come play some Bunco! Bunco is an easy to learn dice game that comes with plenty of laughs! Please invite a friend and plan to bring a snack to share. 


  • Coffee connect

    Thursday, January 9th, 9:30 am

    Hope Covenant Welcome Center

    Always the 2nd Thursday of the month

    Our Senior Care Team hosts a time of fellowship! Stop in for a cup of coffee or tea, a treat and a chance to connect!

  • MEN's breakfast + Women's Chat

    Saturday, December 14th, 8 am- 9 am

    Hope Covenant Church Fellowship Hall

    Always the 2nd Saturday of the month!

    Men: Come enjoy a hot breakfast, great conversation and an inspiring word. Men will meet in the Fellowship Hall. West Gary will be speaking this month!

    Women will also meet during this time for an informal time of fellowship and a light breakfast-- Bring your morning drink of choice! Women will meet in room 105. Beth Krueger will be speaking this month!

    Childcare provided; no need to sign up. Done by 9! 

  • Men's Bible Study

    Wednesdays @ 6 am, 1 pm or 6:30 pm

    Library (Room 205)

    No study Dec. 18th- All men will meet at 5:30 for a meal together. 

    This year's study will revolve around the Sermon on the Mount. 

    Please EMAIL Keith K. with any questions. 

  • Young Adult Night

    Sunday, December 22nd, 5:30 pm-7:30 pm

    Minute to Win It Games!

    Young Adults meet on the 4th Sunday evening of each month. Location and activities will vary. Check back each month for more details!

    Email Hunter with any questions!

  • Women's Bible Study

    Mondays, 6:30 pm- 8 pm

    Bible study will resume on January 6th. 

    Join the women of Hope for a weekly evening Bible Study. Beginning October 7th, led by Barb Scheevel, women will study Luke using Lisa Harper's Study. 

    Sign up HERE!